The Unity movement is guided by a vision of sacredness and the inter-connectedness of all, the interdependence of all life. It is a journey of spiritual relationships with Earth and its creatures. It is through awakened consciousness that we see everything as the presence of God.
The EarthCare Ministry promotes active care of all creation by cultivating a comprehensive earth-oriented spirituality that touches Unity ministries both spiritually and in practical actions.
The EarthCare Ministry rose from the grassroots of the Unity movement, coming from the deep desire to express Unity's belief in our oneness with all divine life in ways that directly impact our planet home. As in so many areas in Unity, we saw the importance of walking the talk. As stated in our vision statement, “All humanity lives in a spiritual consciousness that manifests as loving coexistence with all creation and care for our Earth home.”
The purpose of EarthCare is to support Unity Worldwide Ministries in fostering the awareness of our spiritual oneness with our Earth home and to promote active care of creation. We do this through a number of services and resources, including the Path to EarthCare.
All humanity lives in a spiritual consciousness that manifests as loving co-existence with all creation and care for our Earth home.
By empowering Unity congregations, EarthCare envisions Unity Worldwide Ministries as a powerful force and global leader in addressing the climate change emergency and moving society towards environmental justice in order to create a world that works for all. In so doing, it will vitalize and expand our Unity movement.
To foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth, to promote active care of all creation, and to assist congregations in integrating an earth-oriented spirituality into their ministry.
The Unity first principle states that there is only one presence and one power pervading the entire Universe. Unity Worldwide Ministries is committed to embodying this principle and honoring our Oneness with the earth. Recognizing that we live in a web of interconnectedness, and our actions affect the whole, we endeavor to touch the earth lightly and with reverence. And we encourage our members to do the same.
The Unity EarthCare program rose up from the grassroots of the Unity movement, coming from the deep desire to express Unity's belief in our oneness with all life in ways that directly impact our planet. EarthCare vision statement is as follows:
All humanity lives in a spiritual consciousness that manifests as loving coexistence with all creation and care for our Earth home.
On October 14, 2015, Unity Worldwide Ministries Board of Trustees acknowledged, in part, that climate change is real and that human activity is a significant cause of climate change. UWM also acknowledged that climate change is an issue resulting in both environmental degradation and social injustice. As such, we commit to serve, as our faith leads us, to take steps in healing the planet. The complete resolution is on the website. In a separate resolution in April of 2019, the Board of Trustees affirmed its power to restore balance to the planet and all life forms, and engage this power through our conscious and compassionate choices. Read the complete resolution here.
EarthCare Curriculum: 12 Powers for Our Planet
The Unity Worldwide EarthCare ministry’s mission is to foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth, to promote active care of all creation, and to assist congregations in integrating an Earth-oriented spirituality into their ministries. By empowering Unity ministries, the EarthCare movement envisions Unity Worldwide Ministries as a powerful force and global leader in addressing the climate change emergency and moving society towards environmental justice in order to create a world that works for all beings. The initiative includes monthly resources to use in your ministry based on the 12 Powers.
Click for link to Curriculum
Green Star Awards
The Green Star Award recognizes Unity congregations that have completed at least three significant environmental activities during the calendar year that foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth and promote active care of creation for the environment. Your congregation isn't required to be certified under the EarthCare Program.
Applications for this year’s award are due by May 19, 2025. Green Star Application
The Green Star Constellation Award recognizes the collective efforts of at least three Unity or non-Unity faith-based communities to work together to cultivate awareness, advocacy and care for all creation. The coalition must that have been in existence for at least two years and completed a minimum of three significant environmental activities in the preceding calendar year.
The activities must foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth and promotes active care of creation.
Applications are due by May 19, 2025. Green Star Constellation Application
2024 Green Star Award Winners
This year, a record 13 spiritual communities have been awarded the Green Star for demonstrating their commitment to protecting and preserving the environment of our Earth home. Click here for all of the details on our awardees.
Unity of Fayetteville, AR
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, MI
Unity of the Blue Ridge, NC
Unity of Walnut Creek, CA
Unity Bay Area Houston, TX
Unity of Minneapolis, MN
Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, FL
Unity of Fort Collins, CO
Unity of Santa Fe, NM
Unity of Whidby, WA
Unity of Midtown, FL
Unity of Traverse City, MI
Unity Spiritual Center of Spokane, WA
Earthcare Program
The EarthCare Program implements the seven step Path to EarthCare by assisting church communities in integrating an earth-oriented spirituality into their ministry. The program guides congregations in discovering what Spirit calls them to do to care for our Earth home and its co-inhabitants.
It manifests Unity's Fifth Basic Principle: Through thoughts, words, and actions we live the truth we know.
Earthcare Program
- Path to Earthcare and EarthCare Program
- Why get involved in Earthcare
- Earthcare brochure
- List of certified congregations
Organizing Documents
- Starting a green team and keeping it going
- Sample Earthcare program
- Sample Vision, Mission, and Action plan's
Pray, Vision, and Inspire Steps
Earth Prayers
- Unity quotations regarding nature and the environment
- Eath poems and prayers
- Earth poem, teach us
- Dr. Emoto water prayer
Turning of the seasons blessings of the waters
- Description
- Sample promo
- Sample Agenda
- Sample Facilatator narrative
- Chinook prayer ceremony
- Four directional prayer
Educate Step 4
- Online resources
- Books and films
- What do we do now
- Green problem solvers
- Environmental fast facts
- 25 Simple steps under $25
- 25 Simple steps over $25
How to attract youth to unity
- How to attract millenials to Unity
- Attracting young people through Earthcare
- 10 Things you won't find in church that attract millenials
- 10 Ways your church can reach millenials
Eliasa Sabogal youth curriculum
- Earthcare-Life teens
- Earthcare-Love teens
- Life Earthcare Childrens ministry
- Love Earthcare Childrens ministry
Unitiarian-Universialist Youth Curriculum
Step 5 Act
- EC Steps and Actions
- Eco-innovations and ideas
- Subtle activism
- Earthcare Ideas
- The power of taking a stand
- Holiday gifting consideratios
In-House energy/enviromental audits
Environmental Social Justice
- Touching Shame by Beth Remmes
- Religious Organizations: Cans and Can'ts
- Religious Organizations: Political Activities
- The Power of Taking a Stand
- Political campaign activities
Mindful Eating
We realize that not every action may be appropriate for your ministry, and that there is a growing number of Expansion Unity Ministries. Please contact your regional coordinator if you would like to discuss options to the Steps and Actions of the EarthCare Program.
Ministry Resources
350 Day 6 Week Environment Education Inserts
2010 Six Week Environment Education Series
Identified Benefits of Community Trees and Forests
Seven Week Environmental Fast Facts
Sustainability Through Food Consumption
Twenty Nine Reasons to Plant Trees
Average household reduction of CO2 emissions
24 Environmentally Friendly Actions
1. Use alternative transportation or carpool 2 days a week
4. Plant a Tree
5. Cut your gasoline use by one quarter
8. Recycle
10. Air dry clothes
11. Keep thermostat set at 67 in winter and 78 in summer
12. Switch to compact fluorescent lightbulbs 566
13. Weatherize windows and doors
16. Wash your laundry in cold water
17. Use microwave instead of oven
23. Lower hot water thermostat to 120 degrees
PLEDGE ITEMS: Summary of reduction in CO2 emissions
Newsletters: Mike McCord, Editor
Mentoring Call
Monthly calls. For more information, contact Mary Gerken at Email
As a result of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), nonprofits
and houses of worship now have easier access to clean energy funds and tax
credits through a program called “direct pay.” Before the IRA, only homeowners
and commercial entities with some tax liability could claim tax credits when installing
solar panels, wind turbines, or other eligible technologies on an eligible property. Now,
the “direct pay” option means non-taxable entities can also benefit from
these credits.
Active Hope: Resilience & Possibility in These Times
(1.5 hrs). Summon our collective regenerative power and access your ability to wisely navigate the turmoil of these times.
Send an Email to Beth Remmes or visit earthspiritaction
A Treehugers Guide to Prosperity
This learnshop emphasizes the interdependent spiritual and cosmological principles for thriving all. Developed by Kathy Harwood Long, Unity minister and co-founder of UWM EarthCare. For more information contact Kathy at kathyharwoodlong@gmail.com.
Region Contact Email Address
Canada Mike McCord Send an Email
Eastern Martha Powers Send an Email
or Mary Gerken Send an Email
Great Lakes Kathy Harwood Long Send an Email
Northwest Cylvia Hayes Send an Email
West Central Mary Gerken Send an Email
Pacific Rim Cylvia Hayes Send an Email
South Central Mike McCord Send an Email
Southeast Beth Remmes Send an Email
Southwest Helen Wright Send an Email