Unity Regions in the United States
The Unity ministries in the United States are divided up into seven regions. In each region, there are both regional leaders and Youth & Family Ministry (YFM) leaders who support and enrich the spiritual development of the ministries, of youth and all leaders. Throughout the year, the consultants offer training, retreats, consultations (phone and personal visits) and support. Below is information on how to contact the consultants in your region.
For information on events and trainings in your region, click on your region's contact information below.
YFM Regional Leadership Team Key
(C) Children—for those serving infants through 5th grade
(U) Uniteen—for those serving grades 6–8
(Y) Youth of Unity—for those serving grades 9–12
CSE—Certified Spiritual Educator
LUT—Licensed Unity Teacher
U.S. Regions
Region Website: www.unityeasternregion.org
LUT Representative, Janell Renshaw, LUT - Send an Email
LUT Representative Amy Joslin, LUT - Send an Email
YFM Consultant (C, U, Y), Janell Renshaw - Send an Email
Regional Representative: Rev. Cheryl Fare, President
Region Website: www.greatlakesunity.com
Region YFM Webpages: www.greatlakesunity.com/youth-family-ministry
Rev. Kathy Harwood Long, President - Send an Email
Rev Diane Robinson, Regional Representative & Outreach Ambassador- Send an Email
Susan Liddell, LUT, Licensed Unity Teacher representative - Send an Email
Cassidy Meeks (C, U, Y) - Send an Email
Region Website: www.unitynwregion.org
Region YFM Webpages: https://www.unitynwregion.org/youth
Rev. Carrie Kenyon, Regional Representative - Send an Email
Audrey Pitchford, LUT, Licensed Unity Teacher Representative - Send an Email
Christine Castaldi (C, U) - Send an Email
Nick Muncie-Jarvis, LUT (Y) - Send an Email
Region Website: unitysouthcentral.org
Rev. Karen Saunders, Regional Representative - Send an Email
Linda Gillispie, LUT Representative - Send an Email
Rev. Gordon Keyler (C, U) - Send an Email
Julie Core (Y) - Send an Email
Jeanette Jordan (C) - Send an Email
Region Website: www.seunityministries.org
Region YFM Webpages: www.seunityyouth.org
Beth Head, Regional Representative: Send an Email
Ron Holdaway, Licensed Teacher Representative Send an Email
Ytonna Finnegan (C, U, Y) - Send an Email
Region Website: unityswregion.org
Region YFM Webpages: www.swunityyouth.org
Rev. Sheryl Padgett, President - Send an Email
Lisa E. Lee, Licensed Teach Representative - Send an Email
Angie Keyes (C,U) - Send an Email
Region Website: www.unitywestcentralregion.org
Rev. Vicky Elder, Regional Representative
Mike Gomez (Y) - Send an Email
Other Regions
Chairperson: Rev. Dr. Helen Bala Wilcox-Evwaraye - Send an Email
Vice Chairperson: Rev. Thandi Nhlengetwa - Send an Email
Secretary: LUT Emmanuel Okoro - Send an Email
Treasurer: Festus Umeojiego
Other members:
Rev. Okon Ebong - Nigeria
Rev. Kabelo Letebele - South Africa
LUT Jascourt Uyor - Nigeria
James Agbadi - Ghana
Mr. Alex Attipoe - Ghana
Canadian ministries are invited to participate in the US region closest to their location.
President: Rev. Blaine Tinsley, Unity Church of Maui - Send an Email
Secretary: Rev. Johanna Kelly, Honolulu, HI - Send an Email
Treasurer: Rev. Margie Hyatt, Honolulu, HI - Send an Email
Regional Board Rep: Rev. Joan Gattuso, Molokai, HI - Send an Email
Regional LUT Rep: Rev. Margie Hyatt, Honolulu, HI - Send an Email