Licensed Unity Teacher Program


Prerequisites are courses required, with successful completion, prior to starting a Credentialing Program, such as the Licensed Unity Teacher Program. 

The 22 required courses are:

In order to begin taking courses, you will first need to enroll in UWSI. Click here to enroll in UWSI.

To see details on these prerequisite courses, please visit the page here.

Spiritual Studies

Overview: Hebrew Scriptures
Overview: Christian Scriptures
Bible Interpretation: Acts-Revelation
Bible Interpretation: Hebrew Scriptures
Jesus' Teachings

Historical and Theological Studies

Foundations of Unity
Metaphysics 1
Healing and Wholeness
Metaphysics 2
History of New Thought and Unity
Metaphysics 3
Twelve Powers
Metaphysics 4
The Christ

Spiritual Personal Development

Conversation Skills
The I of the Storm
Discerning Your Purpose
Meditation Practices
Unity Prayer

Spring 2024 Registration Opens March 4, 2024
Spring LUT Quarter - April 1 – June 9, 2024
Session 3 LUT students: 
Pt. 1: April 1 – May 5, 2024
Pt. 2: May 6 - June 9, 2024

Summer 2024 Registration Opens May 27, 2024
Summer LUT Quarter - July 1 – August 4, 2024
Session 1 LUT students: 
Pt. 1: July 1 – August 4, 2024
Pt. 2: August 5 - September 8, 2024


Fall 2024 Registration Opens August 19, 2024
Fall LUT Quarter - September 16 – November 24, 2024

Session 2 LUT students: 
Pt. 1: September 16 - October 20, 2024
Pt. 2: October 21, 2024 - November 24, 2024

Session 1 LUT Students: 

  • Pt. 1: July 1 - August 4, 2024
    • Art of Teaching 1, Tuesdays - 7 to 9PM CST.
    • Ministry, Leadership and Polity, Wednesdays - 7 to 9PM CST
  • Pt. 2: August 5 - September 8, 2024
    • Advanced Bible Study, Wednesdays - 7 to 9PM CST
    • Inner Communication, Saturdays - 12PM to 2PM CST

Becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher

In choosing to become a Licensed Unity Teacher, one takes a Circle Hands LUT Pagedeep dive into spiritual leadership and accepts the mantle of Unity leadership. Service as a Licensed Unity Teacher centers around serving a spiritual community as a specialist in Adult Education.

Becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher is rich and rewarding—and it can be very demanding. We encourage those interested in becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher to consider this call thoughtfully and prayerfully. There are two skills we encourage you to work on before applying to a credentialing path.

Self-Awareness: Leadership in ministry is a vocation of service, and it calls one to be present to others in a deep and authentic way. Self-awareness is critical. Suppose you are interested in becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher we invite you to develop your self-awareness through prayer, mindfulness, training, etc., or by working with a coach, therapist, or spiritual director.

Articulating Unity Principles: Leadership in ministry calls us to share the transformative principles with others so that they can understand them and apply them to their lives. It is often helpful for potential candidates to reflect on the Unity teachings and find ways to express them in their own words.

If becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher calls to you, we thank you for your desire to serve and your dedication to Unity. And we hold you in light and love as you embark upon this journey of discovery.

To learn more about the application and credentialing process for this program, please visit: 

Become a Credentialed Leader page.