The process of unfolding or continuous change
to a higher or better state.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The Evolving Ministries Coordinator and all UWM staff are here to provide resources for all our ministries in evolving. We do this by offering support, guidance, and resources for new expansion ministries, ministries that are “right-sizing” and those ministries best served by a Minister of Record.
Expansion Ministries - The purpose of all new Unity ministries should be to grow or expand the Unity Movement by reaching seekers and Spiritual Truth students in new areas across the country.
UWM requires affiliated expansion ministries to be under the leadership of a credentialed Unity leader. This ensures that the ministry is served by a well-trained professional who is grounded in Unity teachings
There are four types of expansion ministries:
These groups have completed their registration with UWM and completed the SpiritGroup host training. They are formed around common interests and for the purpose of studying and practicing Unity principles. It is our greatest desire that these groups grow into one of the other expressions of ministry. For more information see our UWM Study Group Guides:
Start a Study Group - English 8/28/24: Currently undergoing revision
Comenzo un Grupo de Estudio - Español 8/28/24: Currently undergoing revision
Often referred to as "traditional” or “ brick and mortar" ministries, their focus is on their members and church community with regular gatherings of a congregation or spiritual community in a specified public facility and/or location.
A satellite ministry is a small congregation either planted or supported by a larger one. The primary church is an established ministry with greater access to resources that can help the growth of a new gathering. The satellite operates under the direction of the primary ministry’s leadership and board.
An affiliate ministry is part of a larger network that can provide support, training, resources, and mentoring. Both the affiliate and the partner ministry operate independently of one another. The partner ministry isn’t there to dictate what the other ministry does but is simply a partner in resource sharing.
These ministries focus on bringing people together in unique, creative, and powerful ways out in the community to bring Unity teachings and practices to the world. Some of these experiences could be meditations on the beach, classes at a community center, or meetups at local coffee shops, restaurants, etc., and would include online experiences.
These ministries are focused on providing services for the benefit and betterment of their community, locally and/or globally. All services provided must be in alignment with UWM’s vision and mission.
Evolving Ministries Timeline
For More Information Email Evolve@unity.org
Other Resources
The Pioneer Cohort is an action-oriented learning experience meant to provide you with the tools to expand your existing ministry or create a new Unity Community.
- Expansion Ministry mid-year reports are due August 1 for the reporting period January 1 - June 30 of the current year
- Annual reports for the period January 1 - December 31 of the prior year are due by March 31 annually.