
Welcome to Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute

"The Unity work is a dream that has been nurtured and built from the invisible to the concrete through love, devotion, and good hard work" ~ Myrtle Fillmore

Competency-based Education

"Competency-based education is a method of academic instruction and evaluation based upon students demonstrating their mastery of a subject. This method focuses on having students “show what they know” and applying the concepts they’ve learned to evaluations that show they’ve truly grasped the subject."  ~ Will Erstad

Benefits of Competency-based learning

Competency based learning

1. Growth. Shifts the conversation from compliance to growth.
2. Agency. Leaves room for students to have greater say in how they want to demonstrate target skills.
3. Pace. Allows students to progress at their own pace without comparing themselves to peers or introducing failure.
4. Efficiency. Less time tracking work leaves more time guiding students through an authentic inquiry-based experience.
5. Portability. Competency-based education rubrics become benchmarks for skills that transfer across settings, allowing teachers to meet students where they are and save valuable time.

Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle is used to create our interactive immersive experiences. 

Components of Kolb's Learning Cycle

Concrete Experiencing: The learners have a new experience or interprets a previous experience. 

Reflective Observation: The learners look at situations from different viewpoints and reflects on it to understand what it means. They create opinions based on their thoughts and feelings.

Abstract Conceptualization: Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept (the person has learned from their experience).

Active Experimentation: Learners take a practical approach rather than simply observing a situation. They apply their learning to real-world situations to test whether they work and see if any changes are needed. 

Individuals learn best through direct, hands-on experiences.

ActiveActive Engagement

Learning is most effective when individuals actively engage with the content.

ImmediateImmediate Application

The goal is to combine theory with practice, ensuring that learning is relevant and useful. 

PersonalizedPersonalized Learning

Tailoring experiences to the needs and interests of learners enhances the effectiveness. 

CollaborationCollaboration & Interaction

Group activities and interactive experiences promote shared knowledge and diverse perspectives. 

ProgressiveProgressive Complexity

Building on foundational knowledge, learners take on more challenging tasks as they progress. 

FeedbackContinuous Feedback

Constructive feedback helps learners refine their understanding and skills throughout the learning journey and engages them in the process.

Enhanced Retention


Learners are more likely to remember and apply concepts encountered in real-world scenarios.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical Thinking

Learners develop the skills to analyze situations, make decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Improved Motivation 

Improved Motivation

Learners are more motivated to explore and understand topics when they can see the real-world relevance.

Real-world Application


Experiential learning bridges the gap between theory and practice. Knowledge gain is immediately applicable.

Holistic Understanding


This multifaceted approach contributes to a deeper and more nuanced comprehension of subject matter.

Development of Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Learners develop interpersonal skills that are valuable in both academic and professional settings.

Increased Self-confidence


Successfully navigating real-world challenges builds self-confidence. Learners are more self-assured in their abilities.

Preparation for Workforce


Graduates are better prepared for the demands of the workforce, having already gained practical skills and experiences.

Adaptability and Flexibility


Diverse experiences fosters adaptability. Learners become more flexible in their thinking and better equipped to handle dynamic and evolving situations.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation

The joy of discovery and accomplishment becomes a driving force for continued learning.

Long-Lasting Impact


The memorable nature of hands-on activities leaves a lasting impression that contributes to a sustained interest in the subject matter.

Growth Mindset & Lifelong Learning


Individuals become more open to exploring new ideas and acquiring knowledge beyond formal educational settings.

Overview of Programs

"The mind of the spirit will guide you in perfect ways, even in the minute details of your life, if you will let it do so". ~ Charles Fillmore

"If we love the truth, we are not afraid. We are bold to put out into the sea of faith". ~ Myrtle Fillmore

“The value of all service lies in the spirit in which you serve and not in the importance or magnitude of the service. Even the lowliest task or deed is made holy, joyous, and prosperous when it is filled with love." ~ Charles Fillmore

"The whole purpose of spiritual direction is to penetrate beneath the surface... to get behind the façade of conventional gestures and attitudes...to bring out inner spiritual freedom, inmost truth, the likeness of Christ in the soul.” ~ Thomas Merton

"It is the law of Spirit that we must be that which we would draw to us. If we would draw to us love, we must be love... if we would have peace and harmony in our environment, we must establish it within ourselves." ~ Charles Fillmore

“The Unity work is a dream that has been nurtured and built from the invisible to the concrete through love, devotion and good hard work”. ~ Myrtle Fillmore

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Meet the Education Team


Brenda Hicks-WigginsBrenda Hicks-Wiggins
Support Specialist

To connect with Brenda:

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Erin MorseErin Morse
Instructional Design Assistant

 To connect with Erin:

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Juli BoydJuli Boyd
Enrollment Coordinator

To connect with Juli:

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Glenda Walden Staff picGlenda Walden
M&RS & Unity SpiritGroup Coordinator

To connect with Glenda:
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Joni LorraineJoni Lorraine
Spiritual Direction Program Coordinator


To connect with Joni: 
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Continuing Education

Lori Erwin-JohnsonLori Erwin-Johnson
Continuing Education Program Coordinator

To connect with Lori:

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Joy PerrieJoy Perrie
Services, Resources & Events Assistant

 To connect with Joy:

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Diamond ColemanDiamond Coleman
Special Projects Coordinator

To connect with Diamond:

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Credentialing Team

Lynn O'DellLynn O'Dell
Credentialing Coordinator

To connect with Lynn:

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Denise BoehmDenise Boehm
Credentialing Assistant

 To connect with Denise:

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