The Sunday Morning Experience

The Living Curriculum Education Philosophy



The Living Curriculum Philosophy forms the basis for the educational focus of our youth & family ministry programs. Myrtle Fillmore believed our mission was not to "entertain the children, but instead, to draw them out."

The Living Curriculum Approach

The Living Curriculum is an approach or philosophy, which affirms that the curriculum - that which is to be known - already lives within the adult, child or teen, themselves. It moves us past the belief that teachers have all the answers and need to impart them to the students. Instead, there is a realization that all of us are uniquely unfolding on our spiritual path, having access to the Spirit within.

The Living Curriculum Process

The Living Curriculum is a process of spiritual support used to assist children, teens, families, and the church community in co-creating successful living. It honors the inherent wholeness and wisdom within each one of us, and utilizes storytelling and experiential creative expression to “draw out” the Truth we already know. The process helps us to explore spiritual principles and to become aware of how the principles operate in our lives.

Responsibility Cards

Responsibility Card


  • Actively involve all the children. Good lessons include children's participation in many ways. Also, children can be given responsibility for their ministry by having rotating jobs to do. Help the children learn the tasks and then have them teach others. They are empowered in leadership, responsibility, and feeling good about serving others. 
  • Responsibility cards have the title of a job and a picture (for the non-reader). As they enter, children pick a card and prepare for the task. 
  • For teens, rather than using cards, paint different roles on stones and invite them to select a stone as they arrive. Roles can include prayer leader, meditation, lesson presenter, question leader, etc.