Certified Spiritual Educator-Youth Ministry

Certified Spiritual Educator (CSE) Program

CSEAre you new to youth ministry or interested in deepening your skills?

This program of study provide an individual with a more comprehensive background in youth ministry and an opportunity to serve in a deeper way.

The Certified Spiritual Educator program is the first-level of certification for those serving the youth of our Unity Movement. It focuses on preparing volunteers and leaders in creating quality ministry for young people. 


Complete the following online live trainings:

Trainings are scheduled throughout the year. Click here for more information.

LGYFMThis resource-rich course will focus on how to create and sustain a thriving and engaging youth ministry program. Whether the program is onsite, online, or a combination of both, learners will gain insights into the tools and components needed to build a program, develop effective leaders, and honor the learning and developmental needs of all.

Teen EmpowermentThis course will offer insight into teen spiritual development, community, program structure, and how to empower our teens as they continue their spiritual growth and develop and express their identity as spiritual beings. Each session will provide practical tools for creating and sustaining your teen ministry program.


Complete the following Self-Directed MicroLearning

BBLThis self-paced mini-training is an interactive exploration on how to recognize the three structures or states of the triune brain and to develop simple strategies that will assist in creating a healthy brain-based classroom environment for children and teens. 

Click for link to self-directed training.

SMEOur Sunday morning youth ministry programs are designed using Unity’s A Living Curriculum philosophy, which seeks to draw the lesson from the learner through experiences, stories and creative expression. During this time of social distancing and virtual meetings, we have many new experiences to draw from. This training will explore how to create lessons that engage those attending an onsite and/or an online YFM program.

Click for link to self-directed learning

MIThis self-directed training shares information about using multiple intelligence to engage learners in a way that taps into the unique strengths and learning preferences of each individual. Also included are activites for each intelligence that can be used in a classroom setting. There is a self-assement at the end in order to test knowledge.

Click for link to self-directed learning.

Additional Requirements

SCS 100  Overview Hebrew Scriptures
SCS 110  Overview Christian Scriptures
SCS120   Jesus Teachings
SPD 100  Unity Prayer
SPD 105  Meditation Practices
HTS 125  Twelve Powers
HTS 100  Foundations of Unity
HTS 140  History of New Thought & Unity
2 of the 4 Metaphysics Courses

  • HTS 105  Metaphysics 1
  • HTS 110  Metaphysics 2
  • HTS 115  Metaphysics 3
  • HTS 120  Metaphysics 4
  • Have two years teaching experience in Unity youth ministry
  • Recommendations from Minister, YFM Director or Board Member, Person of Your Choice
  • Background Check
  • Observation and evaluation during the teaching of a children's or class

Getting Started

To begin the CSE program, download the application here: Enrollment Form. For more information, please contact Diane Venzera