12 Powers for Our Planet - Will

Welcome to the EarthCare Module on "Will."
EarthCare - WillUnit Focus: Will power is totally understood when working with a two year old! But this is just worldly evidence of willfulness or willingness. Spiritually understood, Will is evidence of a decision, a clarity of guidance to act upon. The child may be very unconscious about the driving forces for food but spiritual maturity reveals an awareness of Will as Spiritual Power that is undefeatable and immovable. Webster’s dictionary defines will as, “The settlement of mental uncertainty or indecision; conscious choice or decision of a mental issue.” It is this conscious settlement in divine guidance upon which Will becomes obvious. Expressed as a power for good for all, it is unstoppable. Great spiritual teachers have demonstrated the Divine Power of Will; so have parents, grocery clerks, and architects of sustainable systems that provide benefits to humans and other species. Will as Divine Power is guided by love and wisdom through heart and compassion. Our parents very likely demonstrated this when we were in the two-year-old tantrums. We as spiritual workers on the planet are guided and supported at this time to demonstrate Will, Love & Wisdom while humanity rails against change. We become the power of Will to let go of self-gratifying options and choose behaviors and solutions that benefit all beings and the whole of this beautiful planet that is our home.
Unit Learning Objectives
By the end of this module learners will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of our power of Will as a transformation and creative spiritual power.
  • Identify ways to free up and direct Will in expanding our connections with each other and our planet, and to be in service to the greater good.
  • Engage our power of Will to evoke and manifest new, creative, and powerful expressions for sustainable and vital living on a climate-changing planet.


I claim the powers of Will and Wisdom to do what is mine to do to serve the Greater Good to the very best of my abilities. 

I enter into an awareness of God present here and now, in me and as me. I prayerfully surrender self-serving will and willful tendencies. I accept that Divine Power is my truest Source, sustaining me, guiding me. Clear unhindered willingness to serve for the greater good of all is revealed. I consciously enter this settling Power of spiritual Will. Doubts and fears fade in clear Will. I Am one with the Will that causes all to flourish. It is so, and so shall it ever be.

The Power of WILL 
By Michael McCord
Global warming is changing the world as we have known it. But how much it changes is very much up to us. So as Margaret Swedish has written, “We must expand our experience of faith and embrace the full reality of our predicament and to inform the decisions we make from here on out. This is what Jesus did -- face his world fully and honestly, not shying away from the suffering or the disquieting demands that it would make on him. We need a faith now that can help us face this world that we have made … and help us find a way through and beyond it.” 

The decisions we make at this important juncture in history require knowledge. However, while knowledge is important, the Will to make wise decisions in the best interest of all goes beyond reading, researching, and memorizing facts. It comes from the head and the heart. 
Unity EarthCare correlates Will to the Inspire Step on the Path to EarthCare. This seven-step path assists church communities in integrating an earth-oriented spirituality into their ministry. The Inspire Step states: Through meditation, prayers, songs and special ceremonies, divine ideas will blossom into creative and meaningful expressions of caring for the earth and creation.  

In silence and reflection, ask yourself:

  • What does the world really need right now?
  • What does my community really need right now?
  • Where do I hurt over what is happening to others, what's happening to my community, or my world?    

Then ask yourself, “How might I bring my unique gifts and talents to the work that is needed in the world today?  Finally, what are my next steps to make a difference in these issues?” Holy Spirit will reveal what is yours to do.  

However, a vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without vision is drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world. We have the technologies, policies, and initiatives to move us toward a thriving future. All that’s missing is something that only human beings can provide: the commitment and collective will to change our direction.  
In developing your plan, remember that Unity has a unique perspective to offer the world. As it says in, The Book of Unity, “When we become aware of the harmony and right place of all parts of creation, we will operate together as a simple being.  In this situation, we could not consider doing anything harmful to ourselves – the brain would not beat its own hand, would it?  This oneness will be realized when the underlying will of the Creator is recognized as the central theme of creation.”  (Revelation: The Book of Unity, by J. Sig Paulson & Rick p 127.) 
But remember, taking a stand is different from taking a position -- a stand is generally for something, while a position tends to be against something. When we take a stand, we move from having a point of view about the world, to actually embodying a way of being in the world. 
An effective action plan should include a description of the task, who will do what and when. The symposium, “Awakening the Dreamer” offers a useful framework as a way to bring all these areas together to make your vision and commitment a reality:  

Stay Awake 
Keep aware of what is going on locally, nationally and in the world, and remain committed to making a difference -- remembering that the “trance” of our culture is working to lure us back to sleep! 

Get Educated 
There are many sources from which to draw. EarthCare offers a number of services, resources and other sources to assist you. Go to www.unityworldwideministries.org/earthcare. Or write to earthcare@unity.org

Get Connected 
With others who are engaged in the movement for a sustainable future. Find a “community of practice”—people you want to work with and who will help keep you on the path. The reality is that for any of us to be in action powerfully and sustainably we need to be connected to, and supported by, our fellow agents of change. 

This is probably the most important action you can take to keep this work alive in yourself, in your life, and to bring it forth in the world. According to the American Society for Training and Development, if people think about an idea, there’s a 10% chance they will accomplish their goal. But if they make a plan to accomplish it, talk to others about it, and regularly report back on how they did…that number can go all the way up to 95%.   

Get into Action 
And FINALLY, bring all these areas together to make your vision and commitment a reality by getting into action. Now is an opportunity to look at how you might want to expand or deepen your participation. 
Even though 98% of scientific papers agree there is a problem, a sense of urgency doesn’t seem to exist in of the population. In a recent survey, only the youth (e.g., 18-35) consider climate change the number one problem. So how do we wake up the population? The solution starts with each of us.  But while our actions as individuals are essential, we also must unite. As Van Jones once said:  

When you stand up, you license other people to stand up. Now you stand up by yourself don’t make a dad gum bit of difference -- in the rational world. You’re just one fool standing up. But have you ever seen a standing ovation? It starts with one fool standing up. And then pretty soon the whole stadium is standing up, and it’s a different moment.  

Through the Power of Will, individually and together, we can create positive solutions that leave a livable planet for future generations. The time is now!

Lesson Engagement

EC - Sunday - WillThis talk titled, Divine Will, Free Will – Is God a Tyrant? This pre-recorded talk is available for your personal use or for viewing in your congregation (in-person or online). The speaker is Rev. Cylvia Hayes, who can be reached here.

Click here to access the link

Love-Self-DirectedContent by Rev. Cylvia Hayes

Click here to access the MicroLearning

EC-YFM-LoveContent by Rev. Kathy Harwood Long & Rev. Liesa Chase

Ec-Eco-WillAfter being absent for more than 50 years, duck-billed platypuses have been returned to Australia’s Royal National Park. After years of cleaning and landscape restoration the park is once again full of the insects, shellfish and worms platypus feed on. Ten of the goofy-looking, lovely creatures have been released there and are doing very well.

Here’s a short video of the release. Just plain yay! 

This shows that when we deploy will guided by nature’s wisdom we can help our Earth heal and recover vitality. 

Here is audio clip of Eric Butterworth describing God’s Will. Once on the site you will scroll down to lesson 143.  https://www.truthunity.net/audio/eric-butterworth/antecedents-of-new-th…;

Laudate Deum, by Pope Francis. 
In this historic address, Pope Francis lays out a case for respecting and protecting all of God’s creations and questioning the use of destructive technologies in the name of so-called progress.  


Unlock your understanding of Climate Justice and take meaningful action to address the climate crisis by finding your role to play.

An overview of Climate Justice, which emphasizes the importance of interconnected solutions, equity, and collaboration for addressing the climate crisis while centering the needs of those hit first and hardest.