Joined UWM – June 2024
Main Responsibilities - This position reports to the UWM Member Support Team Lead and Consultant Team Liaison. As the coordinator of the Minister of Record (MOR) program, Beverly works with ministries who are in need of a MOR to match them with vetted and qualified ministers to serve their unique needs. As the Field Services Assistant, Beverly also works closely with the various staff members of the Member Support Team who manage the Evolving Ministries, Employment Assistance, Special Dispensation, and the members Database Management. This team supports ministries, ministers, boards, and ministry consultants advising them and connecting them with the appropriate UWM resources.
Personal Info – Beverly moved back to “The Natural State” of Arkansas at the end of 2021 to be closer to family. For decades, she maintained a double life balancing a successful and demanding corporate role in global telecommuncations with service to her Unity community. She has a business degree from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Walton School of Business. No longer in Corporate America, Beverly is on the UWM Ministry Consultant team. She is currently completing the UWM Integral Ministry Program, is a certified SpiritGroups facilitator, and recently completed the Interim Ministry Network’s Transitional Ministry curriculum. Beverly is passionate about supporting individuals and communities in their transformation efforts.
Ministry Info – Rev Bev served for three (3) years as the minister for Unity of the Hill Country in Kerrville, Texas. Prior to becoming a minister, Beverly served as a Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) for Unity of Dallas for thirteen (13) years where she also served on the board and on staff at various times. Presently, she serves as the board treasurer of Unity of Little Rock, Arkansas and speaks frequently at Unity of Dallas, Texas and other Unity communities. In addition, she serves as a mentor for the Special Dispensation program.